‘Always Be My Maybe’ Review

Always Be My Maybe is a delightful look at the complexities of love and the connections which endure over time. Writers Michael Golamco, Randall Park, and Ali Wong have perfectly constructed a narrative which celebrates its rom-com roots while being incredibly touching as well. Ali Wong and Randall Park have great chemistry on screen. Any time these two are together, those moments are electric. Watching this film was such a joy-filled experience.

Always Be My Maybe

The storyline centers around childhood friends Sasha (Wong) and Marcus (Park) and the bond they formed growing up. As Sasha’s parents became more and more absent from the picture, she becomes drawn to Marcus’s family. When a family tragedy leads to an unexpected moment between these two, they become immediately distant. Fifteen years pass and a chance encounter reunite these former friends. Will, there still be sparks or has time quelled what they once had?

I loved how they crafted Sasha’s character in the film. Wong’s character is driven yet is somewhat conflicted as her ambition is causing her to miss out on life. She tries to fill that void with vapid men who are at best physically appealing. The problem is none of them measure up to her one true love, Marcus. Speaking of Park’s character, he’s wonderfully twisted as well. Marcus is using his mother’s death as an excuse to not move forward with his life.

Meanwhile, life is passing by, and his one true love is moving to the east coast. The highlight (and most likely that of anyone who sits down and watches, Always Be My Maybe) is the part played by Keanu Reeves. I am not at liberty to say what role he has in this narrative, but it’s safe to say that his moments were comedic gold.

Overall, Always Be My Maybe is fantastic on so many levels and is the perfect at home date night movie to watch on any day of the week.


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Dewey Singleton has been reviewing new releases in television and film for many years. Dewey's reviews have been heard in multiple markets (Houston Atlanta, Tampa). Dewey's past work has been with awardswatch.com, awardsradar.com, and bleeding cool. Dewey is a proud member of the CCA.