‘Tom and Jerry’ Movie Review (2021)

Warner Bros Studios’ release Tom and Jerry has been subjected to an intense amount of criticism since its release this past Saturday. The criticism has been so over the top that it certainly raised some concerns in my mind. Any film would be hard press to live up to Tim Story’s latest project’s critique. Well, it appears this film is the exception. Tom and Jerry‘s storyline is downright baffling on a level the left me stunned. Never has been a film that quite clearly geared towards children caused such levels of boredom and despair; upon beginning our screening of the film, my eight-year-old lost interest in the film in about 15 minutes. While some are pointing towards the unusual uptick at the box-office for Tom and Jerry as a sign that theaters are on the way back, remember that we are currently dealing with parents who will see anything or go anywhere for entertainment purposes. There’s also Spring Break to contend with too. While I’d love to sit here and say that all systems are a go, I would urge caution for now.

Tom and Jerry
(L-R) TOM and JERRY in Warner Bros. Pictures’ animated/live-action adventure “TOM AND JERRY,” a Warner Bros. Pictures release.

As for the film Tom and Jerry, never have I seen a film that’s supposed to focus on two characters that features them so little. The film truly focuses on Chloe Garcia Mortez’s character, who talks her way into a Wedding Planner position and shows poor judgment in hiring Tom to work with her to solve a “Jerry” problem. The film also features Michael Pena attempting to be this over-the-top antagonist and Colin Jost, who is perhaps the dullest groom ever. Jost only can act like himself, and apparently, that’s a very dull human being. Nothing about this film makes much sense, and it was a chore even to get through the film.

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Dewey Singleton has been reviewing new releases in television and film for many years. Dewey's reviews have been heard in multiple markets (Houston Atlanta, Tampa). Dewey's past work has been with awardswatch.com, awardsradar.com, and bleeding cool. Dewey is a proud member of the CCA.