‘Big Little Lies’ Finale Review: 5 Reasons Why The Series Had To End This Way

Big Little Lies more than likely ended a two year run on HBO last night with mixed reactions. Some were wanting a more provocative finale (myself included) and others were satisfied with how the show likely ended (I say likely because you never know). Some are calling for a third season, but in fact, that would be a misstep. Here are five reasons why we got the ending we deserved.

5. Bonnie Got Closure.

Big Little Lies
Season 2: Reese Witherspoon, Zoë Kravitz.
photo: Jennifer Clasen/HBO

Bonnie was able to confront her torrid past with her mother while still releasing herself of this burden she was carrying in regards to Perry. She also doesn’t have to pretend that her husband is the perfect man for her.

4. Celeste woke up from her haze and fought off Mary Louise for custody. 

Big Little Lies
Season 2, Episode 3, debut 6/23/19: Nicole Kidman.
photo: Jennifer Clasen/HBO

The lie on top of the death of Perry sunk Celeste into this dark place where she couldn’t get out. It took the shock of Mary Louise filing for custody of her children to wake her up just in time to expose Mary Louise.

3. Renata went full Renata in a way only Renata could. 

Big Little Lies
Season 2, Episode 3, debut 6/23/19: Laura Dern, Jeffrey Nordling.
photo: Jennifer Clasen/HBO

While Renata is legit the one character I’d love to see a spinoff from, she ended the season (and likely the series) as the strong, kick-ass lady we all know (ask her husband’s train set).

2. Madeline has a new start with Ed. 

Big Little Lies
Season 2, Episode 2, Reese Witherspoon.
photo: Jennifer Clasen/HBO

Ed has come to terms with who this new Madeline is and still wants to stick around (I’m not sure why but whatever). Ed decides that they can get this fresh start by renewing their wedding vows. At first, Madeline wants to make a big thing out of it but Ed objects wanting it low key. For someone who was the originator of the lie, Madeline seems the most willing to come clean.

1. While they ended up at the Police Station, it was left open-ended. 

Big Little Lies
Season 2, Episode 5, debut 7/7/19: Laura Dern, Reese Witherspoon, Zoë Kravitz, Nicole Kidman, Shailene Woodley.
photo: Marie W. Wallace/HBO

While in the final moments of what is likely the last episode of Big Little Lies, Bonnie strongly indicates (she never comes out entirely and says it) that she wants to come clean. What was telling is that her friends showed right up with her and walked into the station together. Did she confess?

Big Little Lies
Season 2, Episode 5, debut 7/7/19: Zoë Kravitz, Martin Donovan.
photo: Jennifer Clasen/HBO

They never say. In the book, she did. However, that wasn’t the point. Big Little Lies was never a who-dun-it. It was a show about healing and moving forward. Not one of the Monterey Five could move forward until the unloaded their baggage in one way or another. Now that it has happened, we all can move on.

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Dewey Singleton has been reviewing new releases in television and film for many years. Dewey's reviews have been heard in multiple markets (Houston Atlanta, Tampa). Dewey's past work has been with awardswatch.com, awardsradar.com, and bleeding cool. Dewey is a proud member of the CCA.