‘Big Little Lies’ Season 2 Episode 3 Review: Setting Up For Next Week

Big Little Lies returns tonight with a shift in focus towards the emotional ramifications of what happened to Perry and how living a lie has impacted everyone in Monterey. Mary Louise (Meryl Streep) is faced with the reality that her son might not be who she thought he was. However, don’t think tonight’s extravaganza is one big ball of melodrama. Renata has one of the best moments of the second season (so far) tonight during a conference at the school.

What I have enjoyed most this season is how the writers have seamlessly weaved this narrative connecting the shows past and present. I don’t think it’s even necessary to have seen the first season. HBO is the perfect home for Big Little Lies. It seems that each episode this season has been crafted to deliver the most entertainment to their loyal fans.

Big Little Lies
Season 2, episode 3, debut 6/23/19: Nicole Kidman. photo: Jennifer Clasen/HBO

Celeste (Nicole Kidman) is starting to portray her ex-husband Perry (Alexander Skarsgård) in a positive manner. Never mind the cheating, adultery, and the fact he had children out of wedlock. During a therapy session, she shares this, and her psychiatrist looks dumbfounded by this news (she’s already been told about his misdeeds).

Even though she’s happy the abuse is done, Celeste misses Perry (which is kind of shocking). One of the most significant moments of this episode was when Mary Louise is caught snooping around their home. It indeed leads to a shift in dynamics which can have broad range implications during this season of Big Little Lies.

Big Little Lies
Season 2, episode 3, debut 6/23/19: Adam Scott.
photo: Jennifer Clasen/HBO

I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Ed (Adam Scott) give Madeline (Reese Witherspoon) a taste of their own medicine. Last week, he learned of his wife’s infidelity, and nothing has been the same since. They end up going to counseling, where both of them are mostly called out for their actions. What I did find odd was the interesting interaction he has with one of the Monterey five, which doesn’t go unnoticed. Could friction be around the corner?

Big Little Lies
Season 2, episode 3, debut 6/23/19: Zoë Kravitz.
photo: Jennifer Clasen/HBO

At this point, Bonnie (Zoë Kravitz) is the lynchpin holding everything in place. As long as she doesn’t spill about what happened that night, then all will be well (so to speak). However, the guilt of not being honest with her own family is eating her up inside. At one point, she even visualizes what it would be like to end it all by drowning herself in the ocean. Now, most haven’t picked up on this just yet as Mrs. Carlson is keeping up appearance. She even appears to be getting close with a particular character in this episode, which might have lasting implications.

Big Little Lies
Season 2, episode 3, debut 6/23/19: Douglas Smith, Shailene Woodley. photo: Jennifer Clasen/HBO

Jane (Shailene Woodley) and Corey (Douglas Smith) appear to get closer to one another. He thinks that this a regular date while in reality, Jane doing this is a huge deal due to her trust issues (remember she was raped). Corey manages to muddle through some awkward moments and comes off as quite charming. Could something be cooking between these two?

What did stand out in this episode is that Mary Louise comes to grips with Jane maybe having a child with Perry (which we’ve known for a while). What starts as one of the more tame moments during this episode quickly escalates into one of the more intense. When you hear the line of questioning Jane has to endure, it’s shocking she didn’t just slap her and leave.

Big Little Lies
Season 2, episode 3, debut 6/23/19: Laura Dern, Jeffrey Nordling.
photo: Jennifer Clasen/HBO

Renata (Laura Dern) and Gordon (Jeffrey Nordling) have to rush to the hospital when their daughter has a fainting spell at school. While the fabulous Mrs. Klein is looking for some grand reason as to why her only child was found lifeless at school (maybe she was bullied) they come to find out that she’s stressed about a few things – her father likely going to prison, her mother not being herself, and the lessons at school about how climate change is leading to earth’s demise.

Of course, Renata focuses on the last reason, which leads to one of the more delicious moments of season 2. You’ll know it when you see it, and it is hysterical. Overall, reviews might not be so kind to this episode due to a lack of fireworks in this episode of Big Little Lies. I do think the groundwork is being laid for an explosive fourth episode (if you don’t believe this then google the title of next weeks episode). See what I mean!


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Dewey Singleton has been reviewing new releases in television and film for many years. Dewey's reviews have been heard in multiple markets (Houston Atlanta, Tampa). Dewey's past work has been with awardswatch.com, awardsradar.com, and bleeding cool. Dewey is a proud member of the CCA.