‘Cherry’ Movie Review (2021)

Cherry is in limited release starting today and features fantastic chemistry between the two leads in the film. Tom Holland and Ciara Bravo are dynamite together as they both spiral while succumbing to drug addiction. Anyone who is looking to see a very bright a cheerful tale is in for a shock. The Russo Brothers were seeking to shine a bright light on a growing epidemic in our country. This wasn’t about saving any worlds or retrieving any infinity stones; it was about saving lives. While Cherry, on the surface, didn’t seem to lend itself to being adapted for the big screen, they used the source material as a launching point for this narrative. While certain moments in the film left me scratching my head as to why they wanted to include it, I’m not sure the chorus of naysayers about the film’s length is entirely justified.

Tom Holland and Ciara Bravo in “Cherry,” premiering globally March 12, 2021 on Apple TV+.

The film’s structure is entirely purposeful and allows the audience to see how drastic addiction can change the course of one’s life. Tom Holland is essentially playing 3 different people in the film, just as is Ciara Bravo. What was admirable is how they managed to draw the audience in with each version of their character. Seeing the arch of Cherry over the course of the film is downright shocking. It’s hard to fathom that addiction can alter the whole person in such a drastic manner.

Cherry does address this idea of guilt and how it impacts the addict. In the third act of the film, Holland’s character begins to realize that he’s the sole reason why Jenny (Bravo) has hit rock bottom. One would think that after her near-death that he would do the right thing and make her leave. She ultimately can shake him because Jenny sees Cherry as the only person who is accepting of what she has become.

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Dewey Singleton has been reviewing new releases in television and film for many years. Dewey's reviews have been heard in multiple markets (Houston Atlanta, Tampa). Dewey's past work has been with awardswatch.com, awardsradar.com, and bleeding cool. Dewey is a proud member of the CCA.