‘Game Of Thrones: The Last Watch’ Review

Game Of Thrones: The Last Watch, a documentary about the final season of HBO’s most infamous show aired Sunday night giving fans an inside look into how each episode was carefully constructed. Some might view it as one last grab of attention from that GOT fan base, but in reality, the film offered some fantastic insight into a show the world adored eight beautiful seasons.

Game Of Thrones
(L to R) Joe Dempsie, Rory McCann, Sophie Turner, and Kit Harington – Photo: Courtesy of HBO

What immediately stood out to me is just how large the production office and set was in Belfast, Ireland. It’s almost as if the show operated in its suburb of Belfast. The amount of secrecy and attention to detail seen in the first 30-40 minutes was astounding. The fact that each element of the show seemingly had their dedicated team (down to the actual snow seen on the show) was quite striking.

I did love seeing the reaction of the cast during their first table read. You certainly could see how some of the cast members were genuinely caught off guard by either their characters demise or how their storyline ended. You can’t fake those reactions. It all ties into this air of discontent some have had with the final season of Game Of Thrones. 

One thing you can’t deny is the connection these cast members feel towards one another. Kit Harrington and Emilia Clarke came off as more brother than sister off camera. One can’t help but be swept up in the beauty of each location the show films at. Some of the shots in Antartica were simply breathtaking.

While I loved all the insight the documentary offered, I have to wonder why they even did this, to begin with. At times the documentary felt as if it was droning on and on about different production issues which caused me to tune out. Game Of Thrones: The Last Watch offered fans very little, but if you were stuck for something to watch on Sunday night, you could do worse;

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Dewey Singleton has been reviewing new releases in television and film for many years. Dewey's reviews have been heard in multiple markets (Houston Atlanta, Tampa). Dewey's past work has been with awardswatch.com, awardsradar.com, and bleeding cool. Dewey is a proud member of the CCA.