Review: ‘Perry Mason’ Episode 1

Perry Mason has been synonymous with courtroom drama and high-pressure moments. HBO is taking a different approach with this iconic character and looking at his early years. The show focuses on Mason’s early years as a private detective in the 1930’s which is a great way to relaunch the series. Matthew Rhys steps into the role and is off to a fantastic start. The launching point of this series centers around the death of a baby, and Mason is brought in to investigate the matter. Here are our 5 takeaways from the first episode.

5. The opener –

Perry Mason

The opening sequence with Perry Mason trying to get away after being busted during a stakeout is hysterical and entirely unexpected.

4. Hmmm –

Perry Mason

I realize that the good Reverend ends up hiring Mason, but something tells me he might end up being the villain in all of this.

3. Too Quiet –

Perry Mason

The father’s story doesn’t add up! I’m thinking he knows more than he’s leading on but wasn’t who killed his son.

2. FWB –


It seems Perry Mason’s friend with benefits also gives him life advice. It’s an odd dynamic, but I dig it.

1. Love interest –

Perry Mason

As the mystery unfolds, these two seem destined to get together.

What were your thoughts about the first episode of Perry Mason?

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Dewey Singleton has been reviewing new releases in television and film for many years. Dewey's reviews have been heard in multiple markets (Houston Atlanta, Tampa). Dewey's past work has been with,, and bleeding cool. Dewey is a proud member of the CCA.