Review: ‘Twisters’ Old Formulas Die Hard

Twisters is yet another example of how old Hollywood formulas are making a major come back (at least for some of the studios). In some ways it’s like they are dusting off these old cinematic cook books and sharing with them with a new generation of fans.

Okay … let’s see here (grabs a dusty old leather bound script) … Yes, here is one which worked before, we called it Twister.

How is this one different from the 90’s original, you see, that one was singular and the new movie is plural (sigh). What in the name of Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt were they thinking? It would take a hella ton of charisma for this cast to even match or even supersede what they accomplished. Well, I guess we should never underestimate the power of nostalgia and wonderful casting decisions.

(from left) Dexter (Tunde Adebimpe), Lily (Sasha Lane), Ben (Harry Hadden-Paton), Boone (Brandon Perea), Dani (Katy O’Brian), Javi (Anthony Ramos), Tyler (Glen Powell) and Kate (Daisy Edgar-Jones) in Twisters, directed by Lee Isaac Chung.

Twisters is a tremendous release and is the epitome of what summer blockbusters were once long ago and should be moving forward. While backstory is interesting and provides context, no one is going to this film to see Tyler (Glen Powell) work through his inner turmoil. We wanna see some bad ass twisters and watch our heroes try to make it out alive. It’s really that simple. Does anyone remember growing up watching Armageddon and thinking man, this plot is amazing?

Tyler (Glen Powell) and Kate (Daisy Edgar-Jones) in Twisters, directed by Lee Isaac Chung.

Where this movie elevates itself is that it does strive to add some humanity to the plot. It’s not just about the disaster but how do these communities recover after the fact. What was sneaky is the film does get into one of the less talked aspects of natural disasters, those who attempt to capitalize on them. While the film doesn’t seek to cast judgement (the audience will do that anyways), what Twisters does is remind us of the lives that are impacted by these storms, for better or worse.

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Dewey Singleton has been reviewing new releases in television and film for many years. Dewey's reviews have been heard in multiple markets (Houston Atlanta, Tampa). Dewey's past work has been with,, and bleeding cool. Dewey is a proud member of the CCA.