Television Review: ‘Peacemaker’ Season 1 Episode 1-3

One would be hardpressed to find a more entertaining show than James Gunn’s Peacemaker, which started today on HBO Max. Does someone need to be a “superhero” fan to get into the first three episodes? Not really; the show does a fantastic job of getting everyone up to speed rather rapidly about who Peacemaker is and why he’s for the government once again. Had Gunn dedicated any more time than he did to backstory, Peacemaker wouldn’t have come across as well as it did.

This show is counterprogramming what fans of the genre have grown to expect. It never takes itself seriously. The show is as gaudy as the elaborate fight scene in the first episode between the nearly nude metahuman (basically, they are humans with beast-like powers) and Peacemaker in his tighty whiteys. Cena is a perfect choice to play Peacemaker (aka Christopher Smith). His charisma and over-the-top style make his character oddly charming. Plus, who wouldn’t root for some who has a pet Bald Eagle named Eagley? Mix in the fantastic chemistry of this ensemble and one of the best intros to a show, and the result is a series with mass appeal that kicks all sorts of ass. Let’s highlight my top 5 takeaways from the first episode.

5. Economos !!! –


Steve Agee plays a team member named Economos, who mainly handles the tech issues on their mission and is sometimes the wheelman for their operation. For someone who appears to be a small piece of this team, he not only has some of the best scenes in the first three episodes, he has a great fight scene at the end of the third episode, which will add to his growing cult of fans. When this first season (because with the reviews Peacemaker has had, why not have a second season) ends, his fanbase will likely triple. Do I think he’s somehow the mastermind behind Project Butterfly (we will explain that shortly)? No, he adds another level of entertainment to the sheer insanity of this show. Economos Forever!!!!

4. Leota Adebayo ?? –


Harcourt was on to Leota (Danielle Brooks) from the start. Just as they were launching their mission to crackdown and kill these metahumans (the result of project butterfly), we learn that Leota is related to Mrs. Amanda Waller (Viola Davis). Remember, Waller and this team aren’t exactly on the best of terms after what occurred during the last mission involving The Suicide Squad. We learn that she was planted on this team to serve as her eyes and ears. Why would Waller feel the need to do such a thing? Could there be a traitor in her inner circle? How will the team react when they learn Amanda is involved from afar?

3. Best Friends … Not Quite –


Vigilante, AKA Adrian Chase (Freddie Stroma), desperately wants to be at Peacemaker’s side during every mission he goes on. He seems to be oblivious to Adrian’s overtures. They seem to have tons of fun when they are hanging out blowing up old Kitchen Appliances, but it doesn’t seem they’ve done too many missions to date. While Vigilante is a damn good marksman, Peacemaker believes he works best alone. When they are together, it’s like a clumsy Batman and Robin. This could eventually get worked out, and they end up teaming together. It would be tons of fun as Cena and Stroma have great chemistry together on screen.

2. Daddy Dearest –


Dad? No, more like an adversary. To be fair, Robert Patrick does play Auggie Smith, who is Peacemaker, AKA Christopher Smith’s father. It just seems that good old Auggie is being completely upfront about his past with his son. It appears Smith was once known as “The White Dragon,” a man worshiped by most if not all the scumbags around. While he does help him initially with his equipment issue, something tells me that being sent to prison after being framed for killing the metahuman won’t sit well with him. Patrick does have a history of playing great villains as well.

1. Harcourt and Peacemaker –


Where is this show headed based on the first three episodes? For starters, Peacemaker and Harcourt (Jennifer Holland) at some point well having a romantic moment during the first season. This almost occurs when they are set up outside the Senator’s home, ready to take out those metahumans. Peacemaker doesn’t know what to make of Harcourt. An attractive woman who can handle a gun, the way Harcourt does, is appealing to him. Will these complicate matters? No, the whole situation is complicated enough as it is. Tracking down these “butterflies” is easier said than done, being that they can blend in with the rest of the world. Could this be the start of some invasion?


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Dewey Singleton has been reviewing new releases in television and film for many years. Dewey's reviews have been heard in multiple markets (Houston Atlanta, Tampa). Dewey's past work has been with,, and bleeding cool. Dewey is a proud member of the CCA.