‘Unhinged’ Movie Review

Unhinged is terrifying. Does that make it worth heading to your local theater to watch the first studio release since the Pandemic? That’s a personal choice. One thing is clear is that the Solistice Studios marketed this film perfectly. Even in the face of delays and shutdowns, they knew how to frame this release. Unhinged is another showcase of Oscar winner Russell Crowe’s immense talent. The list of actors who can rise above the flaws in a film is small. The list of those actors who can impact the quality of a movie is even smaller. Never mind the lackluster narrative and glaring plot holes, Crowe throws the whole film on his back and with his sure will makes Unhinged entertaining. Crowe’s character is a mix of Jack Torrance and Michael Myers with a sprinkling of pure insanity. Crowe will leave audience members in a cold sweat.

Russell Crowe stars as “The Man” in the psychological thriller UNHINGED, opening in theatres August 20, 2020, Photo Credit: Skip Bolden

In the interest of full disclosure, Unhinged is, at times, a bit puzzling. The audience never really knows what set Crowe’s character on a murderous. We can piece together that it might have something to do with his ex-wife, but that’s just a guess. Rachel Hunter’s character Caren comes off as more of an afterthought. It’s as if Unhinged’s screenwriter Carl Ellsworth realized at the last moment that the film needed a protagonist. Despite all of these elements being completely askew, Unhinged still managed to keep me engaged. There are certainly elements in the movie that will elicit a more significant pop if seen in either an Imax or Dolby Digital theater. Even without those at my disposal, the crash sequences in the film were indeed fun. Overall, the success of Unhinged is a direct result of Crowe’s insane performance. Will it translate to success at the box-office? That remains to be seen.

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Dewey Singleton has been reviewing new releases in television and film for many years. Dewey's reviews have been heard in multiple markets (Houston Atlanta, Tampa). Dewey's past work has been with awardswatch.com, awardsradar.com, and bleeding cool. Dewey is a proud member of the CCA.